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Account Management

The Account Management section of our Wiki is dedicated to providing you with all the necessary information and guidance to effectively manage your UserSearch account. This includes managing your subscription, personalizing your account settings, and maintaining your cases and interface layout. Follow these steps to ensure your account is tailored to your specific needs.

Accessing Account Settings

To begin managing your account, you need to access your account details:

  1. Click on the menu in the top right of the screen. (insert picture placeholder here)
  2. Select 'Settings' from the menu.
  3. Navigating Through the Settings
  4. Once in 'Settings', you'll find several options to manage different aspects of your account:

Case Management

Purpose: Allows you to create or delete cases under your profile. Cases help in organizing different investigations for easy management. How to Use: In the dropdown menu, choose 'Case Management'. Here, you can add new cases or remove existing ones.


Purpose: Customize your UserSearch interface. You can save a new layout if you've modified the default, or reset it back to the original setup. How to Use: Select 'Interface' from the dropdown. Use the options to either save your current layout or reset it to the default.

My Profile

Purpose: This is where you can view and edit your personal account information.

Here, you can:

  1. View subscription and payment details.
  2. Access and understand your payment history.
  3. Update personal details entered during registration.
  4. Reset your password for enhanced security.
  5. Set or change your profile picture.

Managing Your Subscription

In the 'My Profile' section, you can also manage your subscription. This includes the ability to upgrade, downgrade, pause, or cancel your subscription. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Navigate to 'My Profile'.
  2. Find the subscription section.
  3. Choose the desired action (upgrade/downgrade/pause/cancel) and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

The Account Management section is designed to give you complete control over your UserSearch experience. By familiarizing yourself with these features, you can tailor your account to best fit your needs, ensuring a more efficient and personalized experience with our service.

account_management.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/20 09:45 by dwadmin

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